Chinese Tourism Goes Down Under. Time To Get Creative

Australia has fallen from the second most popular destination Chinese tourists visit to the fourth, according to figures from a recent UBS report. The weakening Chinese economy paired with the China – U.S trade war has led to a decline in Chinese tourists visiting Australia that many fear will only get worse. Now more than ever, Australian… Continue reading Chinese Tourism Goes Down Under. Time To Get Creative

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High Spenders On Shopping Craze In Australia

Australia has Chinese tourism to thank for a 10.2% growth per year since 2013 in Australia’s luxury retail industry, according to IbisWorld. It is also estimated that Chinese shoppers make up two thirds of overall luxury retail sales in Australia. Chinese millennials are the driving force behind China’s appetite for luxury fashion, accounting for more than… Continue reading High Spenders On Shopping Craze In Australia

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Celebrating China In Australia

Whether you are celebrating New Years Eve or Chinese New Year, you can be assured that Australia will provide the perfect event for all festivities. Australian celebrations embrace the countries diversity by incorporating international traditions through staple celebratory events. Australia’s high Chinese population has made it a particularly great place for Chinese festivities. Chinese tourists… Continue reading Celebrating China In Australia

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Photoshoot with Influencer for Jackalope Hotel & Willow Creek Winery

To promote Australian Wineries to the Chinese community, MGI organised a photoshoot featuring It girl QianQian Wu in the scenic Jackalope Hotel and Willow Creek Winery. Against the backdrop of a pristine vineyard in the world-renowned Mornington Peninsula wine region, the luxury of the Jackalope Hotel’s is framed by the beautiful, lush landscape. The unique destination, style and… Continue reading Photoshoot with Influencer for Jackalope Hotel & Willow Creek Winery

Influencers at the Melbourne Cup 2018

Celebrating Australia’s Melbourne cup which encapsulates fashion, luxury and local wines. MGI invited Chinese It girl, QianQian Wu to the Birdcage party hosted by MUMM Champagne. Conducted by the Victoria Racing Club on Flemington Racecourse, the Melbourne cup is Australia’s most famous annual thoroughbred horse race. Known as the ‘race that stops the nation’, the… Continue reading Influencers at the Melbourne Cup 2018

Lewis Road Creamery PR Campaign

MGI was engaged to launch Lewis Road Creamery butter in the Australian market, just before Christmas. Engaged 25 Australian food influencers in the food, health, keto space. MGI also organized Weekend Sunrise to shoot weather live cross at Lewis Road Creamery farm in Waikato. James Tobin hosted the day and we made butter and Nicola… Continue reading Lewis Road Creamery PR Campaign

Zhang Ziyi & Western Australia

‘Viva La Romance’ is China’s number 1 reality TV show, generating over 1.8 billion viewers per season. In conjunction with Mango TV, MGI supported Zhang Ziyi’s season that was filmed in Western Australia. Helping to secure sponsorships and marketing rights for Mango & Hunan Satellite TV content opportunities, ‘Viva La Romance’ second season was filmed… Continue reading Zhang Ziyi & Western Australia

Taylor Pass Honey

Inspiring people to ‘get back into the wild’, go off grid and cook over an open fire, MGI filmed the pilot for a TV series called ‘Cooking with Fire’. Cooking is central to life and communities, helping to develop new connections with people and inspiring people to be more aware of the natural environment that… Continue reading Taylor Pass Honey

Ora King

Inspiring people to ‘get back into the wild’, go off grid and cook over an open fire, MGI filmed the pilot for a TV series called ‘Cooking with Fire’. Cooking is central to life and communities, helping to develop new connections with people and inspiring people to be more aware of the natural environment that… Continue reading Ora King